Clabe Numbers Explained: What You Need to Know

A CLABE (Clave Bancaria Estandarizada) number is an 18-digit banking standard used in Mexico to identify individual bank accounts. Similar to an account number, sort code, or IBAN in other countries, the CLABE number contains crucial information to route transfers directly into the recipient’s account.

Knowing what a CLABE number is, finding your own, and using it properly when transferring money can avoid common hangups in the international payment process.

Mistakes in account details when sending to Mexico often lead to extra fees, delays, returns, and headaches you won’t have to deal with if you use the CLABE.

In this beginner’s guide, we’ll break down exactly what a CLABE number is, how it’s structured, where to find your own, and most importantly, how you can use CLABE numbers to send or receive money seamlessly between Mexico and the rest of the world.

Whether you need to pay a vendor or utility bills in Mexico or want an easier way to get payment from customers, understanding CLABE numbers should be the first step.


A CLABE number is a standardized bank account number used by banks and other financial institutions in Mexico. CLABE stands for “Clave Bancaria Estandarizada” which translates to Standardized Banking Code.

The CLABE system was adopted by most banks in Mexico in the 1990s to create a universal system for identifying individual bank accounts. It functions similarly to routing and account numbers in the US, IBANs in Europe, or account number + sort codes in other countries.

The main purpose of CLABE numbers is to facilitate interbank electronic funds transfers. When money is moved between two Mexican bank accounts domestically, the CLABE number ensures the funds reach the intended recipient account quickly and securely.

But CLABE numbers are also essential for international transfers to Mexico. Rather than relying on transit numbers or SWIFT codes that may route to intermediary banks, the CLABE number provides enough information to send transfers directly into a recipient’s account from outside of Mexico.

This helps avoid fees and delays that often happen with other payment info. The CLABE number reduces confusion and mistakes as well, since it standardizes the format for bank account identification across Mexico’s complex banking system.

So in short, a CLABE number identifies an individual bank account at a particular bank branch in Mexico. It allows smooth transfers between Mexican banks domestically and from internationally as well.


CLABE numbers consist of 18 alphanumeric digits, structured into several components that identify key details about the bank account.

Here is a breakdown of what each part of the CLABE number means:

  • Digits 1-3: Institution Code (Código de la Institución) – This 3 digit number identifies the bank or financial entity where the account is held. Each bank has an assigned code under this standardized system.
  • Digit 4: Service Type Identifier – This digit specifies if the account is checking, savings, investment, payroll, or another account type. 1, 2, 3 and 9 are common values here.
  • Digits 5-6: Routing Key (Llave de Ruteo) – This routing code indicates a geographical zone and branch/office where the account exists. It enables directing transfers to the proper branch.
  • Digits 7-10: Account Number (Número de Cuenta) – The account number associated with the CLABE, unique at the branch level.
  • Digits 11–17: Random Number (Número Aleatorio) – The next 7 digits are an internal account reference number assigned by each bank.
  • Digit 18: Control Digit (Dígito de Control) – The final check digit allows verifying the overall CLABE number is valid. It is calculated based on the preceding digits.

So, in summary, the 18 digits contain identification of the bank, branch, account, and internal reference number plus a check digit. This standardized structure lets CLABE numbers facilitate electronic transfers directly into Mexican bank accounts from either domestically or internationally.


002 Banamex (Banco Nacional de México) Grupo Financiero Banamex S.A. de C.V.
006 Bancomext Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior, S.N.C.
012 Bancomer Grupo Financiero BBVA Bancomer, S.A. de C.V.
014 Santander México Grupo Financiero Santander Mexico, S.A.B. de C.V.
021 HSBC México Grupo Financiero HSBC, S.A. de C.V.
030 Banco del Bajío Banco del Bajío, S.A, Institución de Banca Múltiple
036 Inbursa Grupo Financiero Inbursa, S.A.B. de C.V.
037 Interacciones Grupo Financiero Interacciones, S.A. de C.V.
044 Scotiabank México Grupo Financiero Scotiabank Inverlat, S.A. de C.V.
072 Banorte Grupo Financiero Banorte, S.A.B. de C.V.


If you need to receive money into a Mexican bank account from overseas, you’ll need to provide the sender your 18-digit CLABE number.

Here are the main ways to find your CLABE number:

Check Bank Statements or Online Banking Profile

Your full CLABE number will usually be printed on your paper or digital bank statements. Most Mexican banks also display the account’s CLABE number within an individual’s online banking profile. Simply log in to your bank’s website or mobile app to retrieve it.

Ask Your Bank Branch

If you do not have access to recent statements or online banking, visit a local branch associated with your Mexican bank account. Bring photo ID and request to either view your CLABE digitally or have it printed out.

Major Banks CLABE Lookup

Certain banks like Banorte or Banamex allow looking up your CLABE number with your debit card number through their website or app without needing login access. Inputting details like name, account type and branch can also work.

Hard Copy Documentation

For some Mexican banks, the original paperwork you received when opening your account may have your CLABE number printed on it. Dig this out if bank records are not handy.

Once you have your 18-digit CLABE number, save a digital and physical record of this in secure locations you can access when needed for transfers. Double check that the number is input correctly whenever providing for payments. An inaccurate CLABE will cause delays or failed transfers which can be costly.


The main purpose of having a CLABE number is to be able to transact interbank transfers smoothly or receive international wire transfers into your Mexican bank account.

For inbound money transfers to Mexico from overseas, providing the sender your CLABE number enables them to directly route the payment into your account instead of relying on other identifiers like SWIFT codes.

Follow these key steps for hassle-free transfers with your CLABE:

  1. Verify Accuracy – Double and triple check that you have the correct 18-digit CLABE number for your intended receiving account before sending to a payer. Incorrect numbers lead to failed transfers or misdirected payments.
  2. Share Digitally – Provide your CLABE number to the sender via digital transfer forms or payment platforms, when possible, for accuracy. Inputting the long number manually can lead to errors.
  3. Specify Pesos – Make sure to clearly communicate to only send payments in Mexican pesos MXN to your CLABE-identified account, or it may default to USD.
  4. Check Fees – Depending on the sender’s provider, wire transfers to a CLABE number instead of other information can cost less in fees while being faster. Shop around.
  5. Confirm Receipt – Log into online banking or check with your Mexican bank to confirm the money sent to your CLABE reached your account before considering the transfer complete.

Using your CLABE number properly on both ends of an international transfer to Mexico can seem complicated but saves time and money compared to other routes. Requiring this account details upfront also protects from potential fraud.


What is a Clabe Number?

How is a Clabe Number Structured?

  • A Clabe Number consists of 18 digits, which include the bank’s code, the bank’s location code, and the individual’s unique account number.

Why is a Clabe Number Important for Banking in Mexico?

  • The Clabe Number is crucial for ensuring accurate and secure bank transactions. It’s required for all incoming and outgoing domestic bank transfers in Mexico, as well as for receiving international transfers.

How Do I Find My Clabe Number?

  • Your Clabe Number is usually provided by your bank when you open an account. It can also be found on your bank statements or by accessing your online banking portal.

Can I Use a Clabe Number for International Transactions?

  • Yes, the Clabe Number is necessary for receiving international wire transfers into a Mexican bank account. It ensures that the money is accurately deposited into the correct account.

Is the Clabe Number Similar to IBAN Used in Other Countries?

  • While the Clabe Number serves a similar purpose to the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) used in many other countries, they are not the same. The Clabe is specific to the Mexican banking system.

What Happens if I Enter the Wrong Clabe Number for a Transaction?

  • Entering an incorrect Clabe Number can lead to transaction errors, delays, or the transfer of funds to the wrong account. It’s important to double-check the number before completing any transaction.

Are Clabe Numbers Used for Both Personal and Business Accounts?

  • Yes, Clabe Numbers are used for both personal and business bank accounts in Mexico.

How Do I Validate a Clabe Number?

  • There are online tools available to validate a Clabe Number, ensuring it follows the correct format and checksum before initiating a transaction.

Can Clabe Numbers Change Over Time?

  • Generally, a Clabe Number remains the same as long as the account remains open and unchanged. However, it might change if you switch banks or open a new account.

Is a CLABE number required for international transfers to Mexico?

    • Yes, for sending money to a Mexican bank account from abroad, the sender needs the recipient’s CLABE number along with other details like the SWIFT code of the bank.

Can a CLABE number be used for domestic transactions within Mexico?

    • Absolutely, CLABE numbers are used for various domestic transactions, including direct debits, salary deposits, and internal bank transfers.

What happens if I use an incorrect CLABE number for a transaction?

    • Using an incorrect CLABE number can lead to transaction delays, rejections, or in some cases, funds being sent to the wrong account. It’s crucial to validate the CLABE number before proceeding with a transaction.

Are CLABE numbers unique to each bank account?

    • Yes, each bank account in Mexico has a unique CLABE number that differentiates it from others, even within the same bank.

Do all Mexican banks use CLABE numbers?

    • Yes, all banks operating in Mexico use the CLABE system for account identification.

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