A Beginner's Guide to Paying UCAS Application Fee in Nigeria

The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) is an important way for many Nigerian students who want to go to college abroad to apply to universities in the UK. The UCAS entry fee must be paid as part of the application process in order for your application to be processed.

The application fee to UCAS covers the costs of processing applications. This lets UCAS handle your application and send it to the colleges you choose. It is very important that you pay this fee correctly and on time, as it has a direct effect on how colleges look at your application.

We’ll show you how to pay the UCAS entry fee from Nigeria in this guide. This process will go as smoothly as possible if you follow our detailed steps. These steps will include learning about the accepted payment methods and how to fix common problems.

Table of Contents


Applying to universities in the UK through UCAS is a structured process that ensures your application is reviewed by your chosen institutions. Here’s a breakdown of the essential steps involved:

  1. Registering with UCAS
    • Create a UCAS account on the UCAS website.
    • Fill in your personal details and set up your profile.
  2. Choosing Courses
    • Research and select up to five courses you want to apply for.
    • Ensure you meet the entry requirements for each course.
  3. Completing Your Application
    • Fill out the application form, which includes sections for your personal details, education history, and employment history.
    • Write a personal statement that highlights your motivations, skills, and experiences relevant to your chosen courses.
    • Obtain a reference from a teacher, advisor, or professional who can support your application.
  4. Paying the Application Fee
    • Pay the application fee to submit your application.
    • The current UCAS fee is £27 for multiple choices and £22 for a single choice.
  5. Tracking Your Application
    • After submitting your application, use the UCAS Track system to monitor the progress of your application.
    • Respond to offers and communicate with universities through the UCAS portal.
  6. Receiving and Responding to Offers
    • Universities will review your application and may invite you for interviews or request additional information.
    • Once you receive offers, you can accept or decline them through UCAS Track.


Before you can submit your UCAS application, you’ll need to pay the application fee. UCAS offers several payment methods to accommodate applicants from around the world, including Nigeria. Here are the main options:

  1. Credit and Debit Cards
    • Visa: Widely accepted for international transactions.
    • MasterCard: Another globally accepted option.
    • American Express: Available for some users, but less commonly used.
  2. Online Payment Systems
    • PayPal: Allows you to link your bank account or card and pay securely online.
    • Other Payment Gateways: Depending on your bank and card issuer, you might have access to other international payment platforms.
  3. Alternative Payment Methods
    • Bank Transfers: Although less common for UCAS fees, some banks offer international transfer services that can be used to pay educational fees.
    • Prepaid Cards: If you don’t have a credit or debit card, prepaid cards can be an alternative, provided they are enabled for online international transactions.

How Can You Prepare for the Payment Process?

  1. Verify Card Compatibility
    • Ensure your credit or debit card is enabled for international transactions. Contact your bank to confirm this and inquire about any additional fees or restrictions.
  2. Check Fund Availability
    • Make sure you have sufficient funds in your account to cover the application fee and any additional bank charges or currency conversion fees.
  3. Secure Your Internet Connection
    • To prevent any disruptions during the payment process, use a stable and secure internet connection. Avoid public Wi-Fi networks to reduce the risk of fraud.
  4. Gather Necessary Information
    • Have your card details ready, including the card number, expiration date, CVV code, and billing address.
  5. Understand Exchange Rates and Fees
    • Be aware of the current exchange rate between the Nigerian Naira (NGN) and British Pound (GBP). Check with your bank for any additional fees they may charge for currency conversion.


Making payment for UCAS application fee before September 2022, used to be stress-free because you can simply use your Naira Card to make payment for international transactions but when Nigerian banks announced that Naira card would no longer be used for international transaction make payment for international transactions became a hassle.

However, paying the UCAS application fee from Nigeria can still be straightforward if you know the available options and how to use them effectively. Here’s a detailed look at the different payment methods you can use:

Using Local Banks’ Cards

Nigerian Naira Credit and Debit Cards

    • Many Nigerian banks issue Visa and MasterCard credit and debit cards that are enabled for international transactions. Examples include Access Bank, Providus Bank and Wema Naira cards.
    • Ensure your card is activated for online and international payments by contacting your bank.
    • Be aware of any transaction limits or fees that may apply.
    • Pay close attention to exchange rate used for international transaction.

Nigerian Dollar Credit and Debit Cards

  • Many Nigerian banks issue dollar denominated Visa, MasterCard and America Express credit and debit cards for international transactions.
  • You will most likely need to have a domiciliary account with the account before getting a US Dollar Domiciliary account.

International Bank Cards

  • Internationally Issued Cards
    • If you have a card issued by an international bank (e.g., a relative’s card), you can use it to make the payment.
    • These cards often have fewer restrictions on international transactions compared to locally issued cards.

Online Payment Systems

  • PayPal
    • If you have a PayPal account linked to your bank account or card, you can use it to pay the UCAS application fee.
    • PayPal offers a secure and convenient way to handle international payments, though additional fees may apply.
  • Skrill and Other E-Wallets
    • Similar to PayPal, Skrill can be used to make online payments internationally. Ensure your Skrill account is funded and linked to your bank account or card.

Prepaid Cards

  • Prepaid Visa/MasterCard
    • Get a prepaid Visa or MasterCard from a reputable fintech or startup in Nigerin . Ensure it is enabled for international transactions.
    • Load the card with enough funds to cover the application fee and any additional charges.

Bank Transfers (Less Common)

  • International Bank Transfers
    • Many Nigerian banks offer international wire transfer services that can be used to pay educational fees. However, this method is less common for UCAS fees due to the processing time and additional charges.
    • Check with your bank for the process and required details for an international transfer.

Tips for Using These Payment Options

  1. Verify Your Card Details
    • Double-check the card details (number, expiration date, CVV) before initiating the payment to avoid errors.
  2. Ensure Sufficient Funds
    • Make sure your card or account has enough funds to cover the fee, considering exchange rates and potential bank charges.
  3. Enable International Transactions
    • Contact your bank to ensure your card is enabled for international online transactions. This might require a simple phone call or visiting a bank branch.
  4. Monitor Exchange Rates
    • Be aware of the current exchange rate between the Nigerian Naira (NGN) and the British Pound (GBP) to estimate the total cost in your local currency.


What Steps Should You Follow to Pay the UCAS Fee?

Paying your UCAS application fee from Nigeria can be a straightforward process if you follow these steps carefully. Here’s a detailed guide to help you complete the payment:

Step 1: Log into Your UCAS Account

  • Access the UCAS Website
    • Go to the UCAS website.
    • Click on “Sign in” and enter your login credentials.

Step 2: Complete Your Application

  • Fill Out Required Sections
    • Ensure all parts of your application form are complete, including personal details, education history, and your personal statement.
    • Double-check all information for accuracy.

Step 3: Navigate to the Payment Section

  • Proceed to Payment
    • Once your application is complete, proceed to the payment section.
    • Click on “Pay and Send” to move to the payment gateway.

Step 4: Select Payment Method

  • Choose Your Payment Option
    • Select your preferred payment method (credit/debit card, PayPal, etc.).
    • For Nigerian applicants, Visa or MasterCard is commonly used.

Step 5: Enter Payment Details

  • Fill in Card Information
    • Enter your card details: card number, expiration date, CVV code, and billing address.
    • Ensure the information matches what’s on your card and bank records.

Step 6: Confirm and Submit Payment

  • Review Payment Details
    • Double-check the payment amount and your card details.
    • Click on “Submit” to process the payment.

Step 7: Verify Payment Success

  • Check Confirmation
    • Wait for a confirmation message or email from UCAS indicating successful payment.
    • If you do not receive a confirmation, check your bank account to ensure the payment was processed.


What Should You Do If Your Payment Fails?

  1. Retry the Payment
    • Double-check your card details and try again.
    • Ensure there are no typos or incorrect information.
  2. Contact Your Bank
    • If the payment fails again, contact your bank to ensure your card is enabled for international transactions and there are no restrictions.
  3. Use an Alternative Payment Method
    • If the issue persists, try using another card or an alternative payment method like PayPal or a prepaid card.
  4. Contact UCAS Support
    • If you’re still having issues, contact UCAS support for further assistance. They can provide guidance and help resolve payment problems.


If you encounter payment issues while trying to pay your UCAS application fee can be frustrating, but most problems can be resolved with a few steps. Here’s a guide to help you troubleshoot and fix common payment issues:

Common Issues and Solutions

  1. Card Declined
    • Solution: Contact your bank to ensure your card is enabled for international transactions. Verify that there are no restrictions or blocks on your card.
  2. Insufficient Funds
    • Solution: Check your account balance to make sure you have enough funds to cover the application fee and any additional charges. Deposit more money if necessary.
  3. Incorrect Card Details
    • Solution: Double-check the card number, expiration date, and CVV code. Ensure the billing address matches the address on file with your bank.
  4. Payment Gateway Errors
    • Solution: Sometimes the issue might be with the payment gateway. Try again after a few minutes. Ensure you have a stable internet connection during the transaction.
  5. Currency Conversion Issues
    • Solution: Ensure your card supports currency conversion from Naira (NGN) to British Pound (GBP). Some banks might have specific policies regarding international transactions.

Steps to Resolve Payment Issues

  1. Retry the Payment
    • Double-Check Details: Make sure all the information entered is accurate.
    • Stable Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection to avoid interruptions during the payment process.
    • Refresh the Page: Sometimes refreshing the payment page or trying a different browser can help.
  2. Contact Your Bank
  3. Use an Alternative Payment Method
    • PayPal or E-Wallets: If available, use PayPal or another e-wallet linked to your bank account or card.
    • Prepaid Cards: Consider using a prepaid Visa or MasterCard enabled for international transactions.
  4. Contact UCAS Support
    • Explain the Issue: Provide details of the problem you’re facing. UCAS support can offer specific guidance or alternative payment options.
    • Email or Call: Reach out via the UCAS help center or support email for prompt assistance.
  5. Seek Help from Educational Consultants
    • Professional Assistance: Some educational consultants specialize in helping students with their UCAS applications, including fee payments. They can provide alternative solutions or handle the payment on your behalf.

Preventive Measures for Future Payments

  1. Enable International Transactions
    • Pre-Approval: Inform your bank in advance about upcoming international payments to avoid any sudden blocks or restrictions.
  2. Keep Funds Ready
    • Sufficient Balance: Always maintain a balance that covers the fee amount and any potential conversion charges.
  3. Use Trusted Networks
    • Secure Connection: Ensure you’re using a secure and private internet connection when making payments to avoid fraud.


When paying your UCAS application fee from Nigeria, understanding currency conversion and potential fees is crucial to avoid surprises. Here’s a detailed look at how much you should expect to pay and what additional costs might arise.

UCAS Application Fee in British Pounds

  • Fee for Multiple Choices: £27
  • Fee for a Single Choice: £22

Understanding Currency Conversion

  1. Exchange Rate
    • The conversion rate between the British Pound (GBP) and Nigerian Naira (NGN) can fluctuate daily. It’s essential to check the current exchange rate before making your payment.
    • Example: The exchange rate for £1 = ₦1880, the fees would be:
      • Multiple Choices: £27 x 1880 = ₦50,760
      • Single Choice: £22 x 1880 = ₦41,360
  2. Bank Rates vs. Market Rates
    • Bank Rates: Banks often use a slightly different (and usually higher) exchange rate for card currency conversion transaction compared to the market rate. This means the actual cost in Naira could be higher.
    • Market Rates: Websites like XE or OANDA provide real-time exchange rates but might not reflect the exact rate your bank will use.

Additional Bank Charges

  1. Transaction Fees
    • Foreign Transaction Fee: Some Nigerian banks and fintechs charge a foreign transaction fee for payments made in a different currency. This fee is typically a percentage of the transaction amount, usually around 0.5-3%.
  2. Currency Conversion Fee
    • Some banks also charge a currency conversion fee, which can be a flat rate or a percentage of the transaction.
  3. Service Charges
    • There may be additional service charges depending on your bank’s policy for international transactions.

Tips to Minimize Fees

  1. Compare Bank Fees
    • Check with different banks to compare their foreign transaction and currency conversion fees. Choose the one with the lowest charges.
  2. Use a Card with No Foreign Transaction Fees
    • Some international cards do not charge foreign transaction fees. If you have access to such a card, it can save you money.
  3. Monitor Exchange Rates
    • Keep an eye on exchange rate trends and try to make your payment when the rates are favorable.
  4. Prepaid Cards and E-Wallets
    • Consider using prepaid cards or e-wallets like PayPal, which might offer better exchange rates and lower fees.


Paying your UCAS application fee from Nigeria can be seamless if you follow these practical tips. These steps will help you avoid common pitfalls and ensure your payment goes through without a hitch.

  1. Ensure Card Validity
  • Check Expiration Date: Verify that your card is not expired.
  • Activation: If it’s a new card, ensure it’s activated for online and international use by contacting your bank.
  1. Verify Sufficient Funds
  • Balance Check: Make sure your account has enough funds to cover the application fee, including potential bank charges and currency conversion fees.
  • Overestimate Slightly: Have a little extra in your account to cover any unexpected fees or fluctuations in the exchange rate.
  1. Enable International Transactions
  • Bank Authorization: Inform your bank about your intention to make an international payment. Some banks require prior notice to authorize such transactions.
  • Remove Restrictions: Ensure there are no limits or blocks on your card for international transactions.
  1. Check Internet Connection
  • Stable Connection: Use a reliable and secure internet connection to avoid disruptions during the payment process.
  • Avoid Public Wi-Fi: Public networks can be insecure and may pose a risk of payment interruptions or fraud.
  1. Use a Secure Device
  • Update Software: Ensure your device’s operating system and browser are up to date.
  • Security Software: Use antivirus and anti-malware software to protect your payment information.
  1. Double-Check Payment Details
  • Card Information: Carefully enter your card number, expiration date, CVV, and billing address.
  • Match Records: Ensure the billing address matches the address on file with your bank to avoid mismatched information errors.
  1. Monitor Exchange Rates
  • Check Rates: Before making the payment, check the current exchange rate between the British Pound (GBP) and Nigerian Naira (NGN).
  • Choose Timing: If possible, make the payment when the exchange rate is favorable to get the best value for your money.
  1. Contact Customer Support if Needed
  • UCAS Support: Reach out to UCAS support if you encounter any issues. They can provide guidance and alternative solutions.
  • Bank Support: Contact your bank’s customer service for any payment issues related to your card.
  1. Use Trusted Payment Gateways
  • PayPal or Similar Services: If available, consider using PayPal or other trusted payment gateways for added security and convenience.
  • Verify Legitimacy: Ensure you’re using the official UCAS payment portal to avoid phishing scams.
  1. Keep Records
  • Save Receipts: After completing the payment, save the confirmation email and any transaction receipts for future reference.
  • Track Transactions: Monitor your bank account or card statement to ensure the payment is processed and there are no unauthorized charges.
  1. Prepaid Cards as an Alternative
  • Prepaid Visa/MasterCard: If you face issues with your bank card, consider using a prepaid card that supports international transactions.
  • Load Sufficient Funds: Ensure the prepaid card is loaded with enough funds to cover the application fee and any additional charges.

Before You Go

Paying your UCAS application fee on time is crucial to ensure your application is processed without delays. This step is non-negotiable as it officially submits your application for consideration by your chosen universities.

Navigating the payment process from Nigeria can seem daunting, but with the right preparation and understanding of the available options, it can be straightforward. By following the tips and steps outlined in this guide, you can avoid common issues and ensure a smooth transaction.


What are Common Questions About Paying UCAS Fees from Nigeria?

Navigating the payment process for the UCAS application fee can raise several questions, especially for international students. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help you understand the process better:

Can You Pay the UCAS Application Fee in Installments?

  • No: The UCAS application fee must be paid in full at the time of submission. There are no installment options available.

What if You Don’t Have a Credit/Debit Card?

  • Alternative Options:
    • Prepaid Cards: Purchase a prepaid Visa or MasterCard enabled for international transactions.
    • E-Wallets: Use PayPal or similar services if they are linked to your bank account.
    • Third-Party Assistance: Ask a trusted relative or friend with a credit/debit card to make the payment on your behalf.

Are There Any Banks in Nigeria Known for Smooth International Transactions?

  • Yes:
    • GTBank
    • Access Bank
    • Zenith Bank
    • First Bank These banks are known for facilitating international transactions and providing reliable service for online payments.

How Do You Handle Failed Transactions?

  • Steps to Take:
    • Retry Payment: Double-check your card details and try again.
    • Contact Your Bank: Ensure your card is enabled for international transactions.
    • Use an Alternative Method: Consider using a different card or a prepaid card.

What Should You Do If the Payment is Successful but the Application is Not Submitted?

  • Immediate Action:
    • Contact UCAS Support: Provide your payment confirmation and explain the situation. UCAS support can help resolve the issue and ensure your application is submitted.

Can You Pay the UCAS Fee Using a Nigerian Bank Card?

  • Yes: Many Nigerian bank cards (Visa or MasterCard) can be used for international payments. Ensure the card is enabled for international transactions and has sufficient funds.

What are the Common Fees Associated with International Transactions?

  • Typical Fees:
    • Foreign Transaction Fee: Usually around 2-3% of the transaction amount.
    • Currency Conversion Fee: Varies by bank, can be a flat fee or a percentage.
    • Service Charges: Additional charges by your bank for processing international payments.

Is it Safe to Pay the UCAS Application Fee Online?

  • Yes: As long as you use a secure internet connection and trusted payment methods, it is safe to pay the UCAS application fee online. Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks and ensure your device has updated security software.

What Exchange Rate Will Be Used for the Payment?

  • Bank’s Rate: The exchange rate used for the payment will be the rate provided by your bank at the time of the transaction. This rate may differ slightly from the market rate.

How Do You Get a Refund If Needed?

  • Refund Process:
    • Contact UCAS: Reach out to UCAS support to request a refund. Provide necessary details like your application ID and payment confirmation.
    • Bank Policies: Be aware that banks may take some time to process the refund, and additional fees might apply.

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