GTBank USSD Codes

What are GTBank USSD Codes?

  • Airtime Dial *737*amount#
  • QuickCredit Dial *737*51*51#
  • Cardless Withdrawal Dial *737*3*Amount#
  • One Time Password [OTP] Dial *737*7#
  • Card Hotlisting Dial *737*51*10#
  • GTBank Transfer Dial *737*1*Amount*NUBAN Account Number#

GTBank USSD code [*737#] offer a myriad of banking services at your fingertips, without the need for internet access. From simple account operations to complex transactions, these codes provide a seamless and secure banking experience, redefining how we interact with our finances in our daily lives.

In this article, we will take you into the world of GTBank’s *737# USSD codes, exploring their features, benefits, and how they are transforming the banking landscape in Nigeria.

Whether you are a GTBank customer or considering becoming one, this guide will unveil the simplicity and convenience that the *737# service brings to your banking experience.

What is GTBank 737 Service?

GTBank 737 make banking easy for every Nigerians. You can open a GTBank account, transfer money, pay bills, buy airtime or data, and access branch services – all from your phone.

The 737 service is a pioneering innovation in mobile banking, introduced by Guaranty Trust Bank, a leading Nigerian financial institution. This service harnesses the power of Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) technology, allowing GTBank customers to perform a wide range of banking transactions using simple short codes dialed on a mobile phone.


  1. Universal Access: Unlike internet banking, the 737 service doesn’t require data connectivity. It works on any mobile phone, making it universally accessible to all GTBank customers, regardless of their phone type or network.
  2. Simplicity and Convenience: The service is designed for ease of use. Transactions are completed by dialing short USSD codes, making banking tasks straightforward and quick to accomplish.
  3. 24/7 Availability: GTBank’s 737 service operates around the clock, providing customers with the ability to conduct transactions at any time, even outside regular banking hours.
  4. Wide Range of Services: From account opening and balance checks to funds transfer and bill payments, the 737 service covers an extensive array of banking operations.
  5. Security: Despite its simplicity, the service is secure. Transactions are protected with a PIN, ensuring that only authorized users can access the account.


Service USSD Code Function
Account Opening *737*0# Open a new GTBank account
Account Reactivation *737*1# Reactivate a dormant GTBank Account
Balance Enquiry *737*6*1# Check account balance and BVN
Funds Transfer
– GTBank to GTBank *737*1*Amount*NUBAN Account# Transfer funds to a GTBank account
– GTBank to Other Banks *737*2*Amount*NUBAN Account# Transfer funds to other bank accounts
Airtime & Data Purchase
– For Self *737*Amount# Purchase airtime for your own number
– For Others *737*Amount*Recipient’s Number# Purchase airtime for another number
Data Purchase *737*4# Buy data for self or others
Cardless Withdrawal *7373*Amount# Withdraw money without a debit card
Bill Payments
Electricity Bill Payment *737*50*Amount*Disco Code# Pay electricity bills
StarTimes Subscription *737*37*Amount*Decoder Number# Renew StarTimes subscriptions
Swift Network Subscription *737*50*Amount4# Pay Swift network subscriptions
Merchant Payment *737*35*Amoun*tMerchant Code# Pay GTBank profiled merchants
Loan and Credit Services
Quick Credit *737*51*51# Access Quick Credit loan
Salary Advance *737*8*2# Access salary advance
Borrow Airtime *737*8*1# Borrow airtime
Security and Management
Card Hotlisting *737*51*10# Block lost or stolen cards
Generate OTP *737*7# Generate One-Time Password for transactions
Account Reactivation *737*11# Reactivate a deactivated account
Create 737 PIN *737*5# Set up a PIN for transaction authorization
Standing Order Setup *73752*Amount# Set orders for future transactions
Withdrawal at Gas Stations *737*50*Amount*50# Withdraw funds at TOTAL Service Stations
Check Mini Statement *737*51*30# Get a summary of recent transactions



The GTBank 737 service offers a multitude of banking transactions. Here’s how to perform some of the key transactions:

Opening a GTBank Account

  • Code: Dial *737*0#
  • Steps: Dial the code, follow the prompts to input your BVN details, and an account number will be created and sent via SMS.

Check GTbank Account Balance

  • Code: Dial *737*6*1#
  • Steps: Dial the code and follow the on-screen prompts to view your account balance and BVN.

Reactivate GTBank Account

  • Code: Dial *737*11# on your registered mobile number
  • Steps: Enter your BVN, account officer code (if known) or press 1 and buy at least 100 naira airtime to complete reactivation.

Bank [Funds] Transfer

  • GTBank to GTBank Transfer
    • Code: Dial *737*1*Amount*NUBAN Account Number#
    • Steps: Replace ‘Amount’ with the transfer amount and ‘NUBAN Account Number’ with the recipient’s GTBank account number.
  • GTBank to Other Banks Transfer
    • Code: Dial *737*2*Amount*NUBAN Account Number#
    • Steps: Similar to above, input the amount and recipient’s other bank account number.

Daily transaction limit: N1,000,000

  • You need to use 737 PIN to authorize transactions between NGN 100 – NGN 500,000.
  • You need to use GTBank hardware token to approve transactions from NGN 500,001 – NGN 1,000,000

How it works:

  • Works with phone numbers registered with GTBank
  • Subject to phone network signal
  • Money deducted from your GTBank account
  • Requires last 4 digits of Naira MasterCard
  • Indemnity required for transactions above NGN 100,000 [One Off]

Airtime Purchase

  • For Self
    • Code: Dial *737*Amount#
    • Steps: Replace ‘Amount’ with the desired airtime value.
  • For Others
    • Code: Dial *737*Amount*Recipient’s Mobile Number#
    • Steps: Input the airtime amount and the recipient’s phone number.

Data Purchase

  • Code: Dial *737*4#
  • Steps: Dial the code and follow the on-screen prompts to select the data plan and number (self or others).

Cardless Withdrawal

  • Code: Dial *737*3*Amount#
  • Steps: Replace ‘Amount’ with the desired withdrawal amount, then follow prompts to generate a withdrawal code.

Bill Payments (e.g., Electricity Bills)

  • Code: Dial *737*50*Amount*Disco Code#
  • Steps: Replace ‘Amount’ with the bill amount and ‘Disco Code’ with the specific code of the electricity distribution company.

Generating OTP (One-Time Password)

  • Code: Dial *737*7#
  • Steps: Dial the code and follow prompts to generate an OTP for transactions.

Create Transaction PIN

  • Code: Dial *737*5#
  • Steps: Enter the last 6 digits of your GTBank’s Debit Card and create a 4-digit PIN

Card Hotlisting (Block Your GTBank ATM Card)

  • Code: Dial *737*51*10#
  • Steps: Dial the code and follow the prompts to block a lost or stolen debit card.

Salary Advance

  • Code: Dial *737*8*2#
  • Steps: Dial the code and follow the prompts to apply for a salary advance (for eligible salary account holders).

Quick Credit

  • Code: Dial *737*51*51#
  • Steps: Dial the code and follow the prompts to apply for a quick credit loan at GTBank.

Mini Statement

  • Code: *737*51*30#
  • Steps: Dial the code to receive an SMS with a summary of recent transactions on your account.

These key transactions highlight the versatility of GTBank’s 737 service, enabling customers to conduct most of their banking needs conveniently from their mobile phones.


GTBank’s 737 USSD service strikes a balance between robust security measures and user convenience, ensuring a seamless and safe banking experience for its customers.

Security Features:

  1. PIN Protection: Each transaction requires a 4-digit 737 PIN, similar to an ATM PIN, ensuring that only authorized users can access and execute transactions.
  2. Phone Number Linkage: Transactions are only possible from the phone number registered with the bank, adding an extra layer of security.
  3. Encryption: USSD sessions are encrypted, safeguarding data integrity and confidentiality during transactions.
  4. Automatic Session Timeouts: Inactive sessions automatically time out, preventing unauthorized access if the phone is left unattended.
  5. Transaction Limits: To mitigate risks, there are daily transaction limits, reducing exposure in case of unauthorized access.
  6. Constant Monitoring: GTBank continuously monitors for suspicious activities, offering proactive security measures.

Convenience Features:

  1. Ease of Access: Services are accessible by dialing simple codes, making banking tasks straightforward and quick.
  2. 24/7 Availability: Unlike traditional banking, the 737 service is available round the clock, including weekends and public holidays.
  3. No Internet Dependency: The service operates without internet access, making it accessible even in areas with poor internet connectivity.
  4. Universal Phone Compatibility: The service works on any mobile phone, not requiring a smartphone.
  5. Quick Transactions: Most transactions are completed in a few seconds, saving valuable time for users.
  6. Multifunctionality: The 737 service covers a wide range of banking activities, from account inquiries to bill payments and transfers.
  7. Language Options: The service often provides options for transactions in multiple local languages, catering to diverse customer preferences.

GTBank’s 737 service is a testament to how technology can be leveraged to enhance banking security while making it more accessible and convenient for customers.

By prioritizing both security and user-friendliness, GTBank ensures that customers enjoy a safe and seamless banking experience.


Nigerian banks have widely embraced USSD technology, offering various services to their customers. Let’s compare GTBank’s 737 service with USSD services from other prominent Nigerian banks:

GTBank (737 Service)

  • Strengths: Wide range of services, 24/7 availability, no internet required, high transaction limits, and multi-language support.
  • Limitations: Service is exclusive to GTBank customers and might have slightly higher transaction fees for certain services.

Zenith Bank (*966# EazyBanking)

  • Strengths: Offers services like opening an account, checking balances, bill payments, funds transfer, and airtime/data purchase. Zenith Bank’s USSD is known for its user-friendly interface.
  • Limitations: Limited to Zenith Bank accounts and may not offer as many diverse services as GTBank’s 737.

United Bank for Africa – UBA (*919#)

  • Strengths: Provides services including funds transfer, airtime recharge, bill payments, and account opening. UBA’s *919# service is praised for its reliability.
  • Limitations: Fewer features in terms of loan services and specialized bill payments compared to GTBank’s 737.

Access Bank (*901#)

  • Strengths: Access Bank’s USSD service allows for account opening, funds transfer, airtime and data purchase, and bill payments. It’s known for ease of use and quick transaction completion.
  • Limitations: Might have lower transaction limits compared to GTBank’s 737.

First Bank of Nigeria (*894#)

  • Strengths: Offers a wide range of services including funds transfer, airtime purchase, bill payments, and mini statement checks. Known for high reliability and extensive service network.
  • Limitations: First Bank’s *894# service may not be as intuitive for new users compared to GTBank’s 737.

Comparative Analysis:

  • Service Diversity: GTBank’s 737 tends to offer a broader range of services, especially in areas like loan services and specialized bill payments.
  • User Experience: While GTBank’s 737 is highly praised for its user experience, other banks like Zenith and Access Bank also offer user-friendly interfaces.
  • Transaction Limits: GTBank generally offers higher transaction limits, which is beneficial for customers needing to perform larger transactions.
  • Accessibility and Reliability: All these services do not require internet access, ensuring wide accessibility. Reliability varies, with UBA and First Bank noted for their stable services.
  • Innovation: GTBank is often seen as a leader in innovation, frequently updating its USSD services with new features.

GTBank’s 737 service stands out for its wide range of services and high transaction limits, other Nigerian banks also offer competitive USSD services with their unique strengths. The choice of service largely depends on individual banking needs and customer preferences.

Before You Go:

The landscape of banking in Nigeria has been significantly transformed by the advent of USSD services, with GTBank’s 737 service playing a pivotal role in this revolution. This service stands out for its comprehensive range of banking transactions, high security, and unparalleled convenience, making it a benchmark in the industry.

Comparatively, while other Nigerian banks like Zenith, UBA, Access Bank, and First Bank also offer robust USSD services, GTBank’s 737 service distinguishes itself with its diverse functionalities, higher transaction limits, and user-friendly experience. Each service, however, has its unique advantages, catering to the varied needs of customers.

Ultimately, the choice of a USSD banking service depends on individual requirements, but GTBank’s 737 service undeniably leads in terms of innovation, diversity, and customer-centric features. As technology evolves, we can anticipate further enhancements in these services, driving more efficiency and inclusivity in Nigeria’s banking sector.

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